WP Security Lock is joining the protest of the SOPA and PIPA Bills and will blackout this site on January 18, 2012. On Wednesday, all our website traffic be redirected to http://sopastrike.com/strike, striking against censorship.
It's time to come together as a community and join us in this historic moment!
What is the SOPA Strike?
On January 18, 2012, the Internet is going on strike to stop the Web Censorship Bills in Congress! Sites are striking in all different ways. Check out Strike Against SOPA!
Why Strike SOPA and PIPA?
On January 24th, Congress will vote to pass Internet censorship in the Senate, even though the vast majority of Americans are opposed. We need to kill the bill – PIPA in the Senate and SOPA in the House – to protect our rights to free speech, privacy, and prosperity.
SOPA is not dead, it is being rewritten and PIPA (equally as bad) is still alive in the Senate.
Can SOPA and PIPA Affect My Website or Blog?
The scariest part about these bills is that the government will be allowed to censor and shut down any website or blog that it sees fit. Imagine having your site taken down!
How Do I Join the Stop SOPA and PIPA Fight?
- Join the SOPA Strike Here!
- Add the Stop SOPA Ribbon Plugin to your WordPress blog. (We're using it in the top right corner of this website.)
- Install and activate the SOPA Strike WordPress Plugin.
(We're using this plugin to redirect all traffic to the SOPA Strike page all day on Wednesday, January 18, 2012. And this plugin will log your website name and URL to be included on a roll call for supporters, but collects no other information.) - Change your social profile pics in the #BlackoutSOPA movement!
- WordPress.org asks that you to help stop SOPA/PIPA.
- Join the Stop Internet Censorship by Protesting SOPA movement on Facebook and get the latest SOPA/PIPA updates.
WordPress Users, You Can Help Stop SOPA & PIPA
We are not a small group. More than 60 million people use WordPress — it’s said to power about 15% of the web. We can make an impact, and you can be an agent of change. Go to Stop American Censorship for more information and a bunch of ways you can take action quickly, easily, and painlessly. The Senate votes in two weeks, and we need to help at least 41 more senators see reason before then. Please. Make your voice heard.
Source: Help Stop SOPA/PIPA by Jane Wells, UX Lead for WordPress
Are You Joining the SOPA Strike?
Is your site going black on Wednesday, January 18? If passed, tell us how how you think the SOPA and PIPA bills could affect your WordPress site or Online business. Leave your comments below.
Despite good intentions for stopping illegal copying of music and other material under copyright, the current bills under consideration by Congress, SOPA and PIPA, are a disaster. They not only won’t stop internet piracy, they’ll censor all the rest of us. For an excellent explanation of what these bills could do and how those determined to continue piracy could still continue, you’ll want to take a look at what a couple of lawyers, experts in internet and copyright law, have written.
Hi MaryJo,
Thanks for posting that link. It’s a must read for all of us. Very scary stuff if these bills pass!
What happened to freedom of speech? I remember when I was younger everyone talked about how amazing the United States was and how it was the place to be. I’m sorry but the older I get the less I care about this country and the nimrods running it. I support our troops but not the politics. Now its taking our written words and censoring it because they don’t like what we say. I understand the music industry is struggling and wants to make more and more money but seriously. There has to be a better way!
I absolutely agree Alaina! Thanks for your comment.
Inblurbs is joining the protest of the SOPA and PIPA Bills and will blackout our sites as well, http://www.inblurbs.com and http://www.inblurbs.de on Wednesday January 18, 2012.
Hi Dragan,
Thanks for supporting the protest and sharing your links. Every site counts.
Pretty scary if this actually passes.
Most likely Canada won’t be far behind, if it really makes it all the way thru. I keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn’t
This act will really bring the Internet down !! Protest !!!