It's our passion to help those in need. Have you ever been hacked? If you haven't been, you might know someone who has. Either way, without a watchful eye, you could be hacked at any second. It's true….
You have to be armed and ready for it to happen.
One of our new clients, Steven Washer from Brainy Video had this to say.
Thanks Steven for the shout out! Great video and tips. It's true there are many companies out there who SAY they know how to clean a WordPress site and promise you the world. But just be cautious, cheaper is not always better. Trust us. Make sure the company you hire to fix your hacked site is cleaning it manually and NOT with an automatic script.
We pride ourselves in being thorough so we sure hope you'll come to us with any of your WordPress needs. Our team IS on a mission to fight and take down hackers. Our “warrior queen” as Steven calls Regina, is the CEO and top Security Specialist here at WP Security Lock and has also been known as the hacker attacker. With us on your side, you are in good hands.
We have monthly security package plans so we can focus on your sites while you do the things you love in your business. Let us know how we can help you.
Here's to a successful and malware free 2016.
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