Go Daddy's outage of September 10. 2012 has been resolved. This was not a denial of service attack (DDoS). Issue was a series of internal network events.
Rumors were flying on the Internet that GoDaddy.com was attacked by a denial of service attack (DDoS) attack and a so-called hacker was claiming credit for the attack on Twitter. This is not the case!
I just receive an email from Todd Redfoot, Chief Information Security Officer at GoDaddy.com with a link to their News Release. It states as follows:
Go Daddy Site Outage Investigation Completed
Yesterday, GoDaddy.com and many of our customers experienced intermittent service outages starting shortly after 10 a.m. PDT. Service was fully restored by 4 p.m. PDT.
The service outage was not caused by external influences. It was not a “hack” and it was not a denial of service attack (DDoS). We have determined the service outage was due to a series of internal network events that corrupted router data tables. Once the issues were identified, we took corrective actions to restore services for our customers and GoDaddy.com. We have implemented measures to prevent this from occurring again.
At no time was any customer data at risk or were any of our systems compromised.
Throughout our history, we have provided 99.999% uptime in our DNS infrastructure. This is the level our customers expect from us and the level we expect of ourselves. We have let our customers down and we know it.
We take our business and our customers' businesses very seriously. We apologize to our customers for these events and thank them for their patience.
– Scott Wagner Go Daddy Interim CEO
All services for Go Daddy customers have been restored and they have taken measures to prevent this from happening again.
The so-called hacker that claimed credit was only looking for attention and spend his/her day lying on Twitter to produce mass hysteria.
I'm glad that Go Daddy found the source of the issue and got it resolved quickly.
I'd like to send Todd Redfoot a big thank you for communicating with us so that we could keep all our readers informed.
Hi Regina,
It is reassuring as a GoDaddy customer to hear that this recent incident wasn’t a DDoS attack (or any attempt to infiltrate the site, for that matter,) although for some reason I remain just a tiny bit unconvinced. I know that a statement has been released saying that no customer information was accessed or affected, however, in your experience do companies such as this say statements like that all the time – regardless of whether or not it is 100% true – in order to save face?
Love to know your professional insight.
Hi Darcy,
Sorry, I cannot comment on whether any companies statement is true or false. We can only hope for transparency and truth in our service providers.