Viruses for Dummies! Fake AV Virus infects my computer.
We have all heard about and read books that have been created and written for those like myself that started out computer illiterate. But I have yet to read a book on “Viruses for Dummies!”
That being said, yesterday I was searching Google for a gift for my granddaughter. I clicked on a website link and I was attacked by a virus. I was so upset for several reasons.
One of which is the fact that I didn't know the difference between an attacker and my own computer. The virus that attacked me disguised itself on Web page as if it was my own computer warning me that I had several viruses attacking my system. I clicked on it to fix it four times, which downloaded it onto my computer.
Don't be fooled by these Fake AV Viruses that redirect to and disguise themselves as computer viruses !
Here's a screen shot from my computer…
Fortunately, Regina Smola explained to me that because I did not click to open and install the programs, the attack was stopped midway. But the virus or infections were still downloaded to my computer. And there were some entries in my Windows Registry. It took hours of Regina's time (which I'll always be grateful for) and mine to fix it.
Just because we do not run a well established company, does not mean that the information we have stored on our computers has any less value.
Hackers do not care about you or what you hold dear or important; they just care about crippling you from the tasks you desire to continue and complete and extracting anything that will further their cause and ruin your life.
It takes people like Regina, who spend countless hours researching, studying and preparing to educate and equip each of us with the necessary tools to become aware of the hackers and their attacks.
Regina knows how viruses attack, what they look like and what to do to stop progress on our computers and destroy what is priceless and valuable to you and me.
Regina stepped in and not only identified every file that was attacked, but used every method available to us to delete and destroy the viruses.
She did not stop there but instead took more of her time to teach me what to look for, how the hackers work and what to do and NOT to do next time the hackers attack.
The information she gave me not only saved my computer, my valuable files and information within each one, but removed the enormous stress that accompanied the attack of these uncaring, vicious and scrupulous hackers.
Thank you Regina for your expertise, patience beyond measure with me, your concern for my computer and all the files I count important and valuable to me. And the new tools you gave me so that I might be better equipped for any other attacks that may come my way.
Regina keep up the good work, thank you for caring about all of us and giving of your valuable time to make our lives stress-free and full of understanding and knowledge that is priceless to each of us.
I look forward to your continued work in making sure our computers are secure!
Best regards,
Mary T.
New Orleans, LA
Hi Mary,
Thanks for submitting your story with us. I’m glad I could help!
Malicious hackers get craftier all the time with disguising viruses. You’re not alone. Thousands of others have also been infected with the same virus.
I’m glad we got AVG and MalwareBytes running on your computer 24/7. That’s going to help too!
I’ve also come across and repaired a few that are similar. The nastiest name was “Internet Security Essentials”, as I personally recommend “Microsoft Security Essentials” as a very efficient free virus scanner for any Windows computer.
I used to know someone who had written a few “friendly” worms that passed through computers and fixed the hole they expoited, and moved to the next, leaving a message on the users computer about what had happened.
It is good to see other people recommending the free (and quite often much lighter weight) virus scanners out there that can do just as good a job as the more expensive competitors.
Hi Jamie,
Thanks for your comment.
Now they’ve stepped it up a notch and are calling Skype users and sending them to fake AV pages like this one.
Just posted it here on the blog at:
~ Regina
Yep, fake antivirus are a nuisance. I agree with Regina’s advice and selected programs. In case of doubt if your AV is working fine I would run every now and then housecall and if you’re not sure of an URL check it online
I like your post, people should know about this and be alert. Good job from Regina.
Hi David,
Thanks for your comment and the links. I wish they were in English so I could read them.
One place you can check to see if malware or a virus has been reported is You can enter in any url and see if Norton has any reports on it.
Another great tool that Paula Guse recommended to me is a firefox extension called FladFox. You can download it at
~ Regina