Strong WordPress Password Generator
The developers of WordPress suggest that your admin password include the following symbols: ! " ? % ^ & ).
I've created a Strong WordPress Password Generator for you that creates random passwords that includes those
symbols, plus a combination of upper and lowercase letters and numbers. (Minimum of 14 characters).
1. Click on the "Generate WordPress Password" button below. Rinse and repeat until you find a desirable password.
2. Highlight your new password, then right-click your mouse and click "Copy" to copy your new password to your clipboard.
3. Log-in to your WordPress Dashboard (
4. Edit your "User" profile by clicking on your name in the top right corner or clicking on "Your Profile" under the "Users" Menu in the left sidebar.
5. Scroll down to the "New Password" section and right-click your mouse and click "Paste" in the "New Password" fields (must be entered twice).
6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the "Update Profile" button.
7. Important: Be sure to save your new password so you don't forget it!
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